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COVID-9 Precautions


Because of COVID-19 it is likely that the way your lessons are conducted will change. Not
only will we do things differently but you may also be required to complete additional tasks.
As it has been a long time since you were on the road, you’ll need to provide a driving licence check code for me to check
your licence. This should be carried out regularly, plus it is great practice for you to generate the code as you may need to
do this once you have acquired your full driving licence. The code can be obtained at:
The code lasts for 21 days and can only be used once. I will need you to supply me with the following information:
Ÿ Your check code
Ÿ The last eight characters of your driver number which can be found on your driving licence
I will check the licence details 24 hours before your next session of training takes place.
You will also have to read a number plate at a distance of 20.5m, with or without eyesight correction such as glasses or
contact lenses, when we meet up again for the first time.
Below is an overview of what might be different and what will be expected of you.
Before the lesson
Before every lesson I will call you to check if:
Ÿ You have any symptoms of coronavirus such as a cough or a high temperature – find out more here:
Ÿ You know, or have been in contact with, anyone that is showing symptoms
It is important that you answer these questions honestly as you do not want to put me or any of my other pupils at risk.
This will also avoid the lesson being cancelled halfway through if it is apparent that you are not well enough, which may
have financial implications for you.
During the call, I will also request that you wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, in line with government
guidance, immediately before leaving your house or place of work.
On the call I will also advise you that:
Ÿ There will be no handshakes
Ÿ I will be keeping the windows open at all times so you need to wear appropriate clothing
Ÿ The car will be sanitised before you get in, plus I may ask you to use some hand sanitiser on entering the car that I
will try to supply for you
Ÿ To wear long sleeves and trousers and not to wear open-toed shoes
Ÿ You will need to avoid using cash where possible as this can spread the virus. Use other methods of payment such
as a bank transfer, for example, but we will chat about this
Ÿ I may ask you to place all of your belongings into a clean plastic bag in the boot, apart from any medication or
asthma inhalers that you need to have with you at all times. I will ensure that the boot is locked and is secure
I will only leave to collect you for the lesson once I am happy that we can keep each other as safe as possible.
Once I arrive at the pickup point I will again assess whether you are well enough to start the lesson.
Ÿ We won’t get into the car straight away. From a distance (min 2m) we will have a brief conversation so I can assess
whether you appear to be well enough to continue or if you have any symptoms in line with COVID-19, such as a
cough that I did not notice on the phone call, or you look like you may have a high temperature
Ÿ Any outerwear such as your jacket/jumper/bag must contained inside a plastic bag in the boot to help minimise the
risk of infection
If I am not 100% happy with your state of health I will not start the lesson and will postpone it until you have recovered.
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