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General Terms & Conditions


To enable us to provide you with the best possible service the following document lays out the service we provide and our commitment to you the student; however, learning to drive requires a significant input by yourself and we also expect dedication and commitment from you.

Theory and Hazard Perception Training          BDS provide without charge a full internet-based theory/hazard perception test training package as an added benefit to our students. Please note this service is for BDS students only, you’re driving instructor has access the site to aid and monitor your study and progress. The training package can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet.

Access to the site is via:


You are advised however to buy at your earliest convenience a copy of the Highway Code (£2.99 from WH Smiths). Access to the internet is essential to complete the self-training on the Theory & Hazard Perception Test. The training website can be accessed through a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad etc.

Practical Training         BDS will provide a suitable training vehicle, fully serviceable and with comprehensive training insurance for every lesson.

Wherever possible each student will be assigned an individual instructor for the duration of their training. We will endeavour to ensure the availability of the same instructor and the same type of vehicle for every lesson.

We will endeavour to ensure your booked lessons take place on the date and at the time agreed between you and your instructor. Minor delays to lesson start times must be accepted as inevitable due to traffic and other unforeseen circumstances. We will let you know at least 24 hours in advance of any unavoidable cancellation (i.e. due to sickness or vehicle unserviceability.)

We expect the same courtesy from you. Any lesson cancelled or re-arranged by you with at least 24 hours’ notice is acceptable. Less than 24 hours’ notice will require you to pay the full lesson fee unless there are strong mitigating circumstances; your instructor is the final arbitrator in deciding if you pay. We will also consider terminating your training and offering your place to another student on the waiting list if you are persistently late or fail to turn-up for your lessons without good reason.

Each lesson will be approximately 60 minutes long and will consist of theory, demonstration and practical skills elements. The length of each element will vary depending on the subject matter and competence of the student.

Your instructor will maintain a record of your training which will be updated at the end of each lesson. He will also complete your personal achievement record, please remember to bring it to every lesson.

Tests    Students are responsible for booking and paying for their Theory/HPT test and Practical Driving Test. They must co-ordinate the date and time of the practical test with their instructor to ensure that a training car and instructor is available.

While any car that meets the DSA requirements can be used for the practical test, it is usual to use the car that you have been training in and are familiar with. BDS recommend that students take a lesson immediately prior to the practical test, this will allow you to “settle in”, be familiar with the road, weather and traffic conditions. Your instructor will also check the car with you to ensure that there are no last-minute problems.

In the event of a mechanical failure of a BDS training car before or during a practical driving test that causes the test to be cancelled, BDS will be liable only for paying for the students next test and will not charge for the period covering the actual test.

Fees     Fees are due at the end of each lesson or in advance if booking a 5-lesson pack.

For advanced payment of fees the money will be held on account and is refundable on cancellation of the remaining lessons minus any discount that would have otherwise been realised. In plain English if you cancel the remainder of your pre-paid lessons the lessons that you have already had will be charged at the single lesson rate.

Single lesson £38

5 lesson pack £175

Discrimination and Equal Opportunities          It is BDS policy NOT to discriminate against any person on any grounds.

The law does recognise the need for specialist vehicles and training for certain disabled persons. BDS is currently unable to provide training to people with disabilities which require anything other than a standard unmodified car.

Students with learning difficulties should make their instructor aware of their needs and he will seek specialist advice on an individual basis.

Confidentiality              BDS need to retain certain personal information and training records in both written and electronic form. We DO NOT share your personal information with any other organisation, except the DSA for the booking of tests with your consent.

Your discussions and training always remain private between you and your instructor . That is not to say you can’t discuss your progress and achievements with whomever you want. Positive word of mouth is the best form of advertising for us.

 Suggestions and Complaints             BDS are continually striving to improve the service we provide and encourage open and honest dialogue between our clients and ourselves. Any suggestions or complaints should be directed in the first instance to your instructor. If you do not feel this is appropriate, please write or phone the BDS owner Carl Surgey.