Pass Plus is a must for all newly qualified drivers. It enhances the skills that you have already learned, better preparing you for the driving world out there. It may also save you some money as a number of big insurance firms offer significant discounts to drivers who have taken Pass Plus.
Town driving
Driving in town can be daunting: rush hour traffic, complicated junctions and traffic systems... learn the skills to deal with all these and more (more...)
All-weather driving
Rain, fog, bright sunshine, snow and ice: find out how to drive safely
in all the different weather conditions you'll face on the road (more...)
Driving out of town
Country roads can harbour all kinds of hazards, from sharp bends and
potholes to farm vehicles and animals in the road (more...)
Night driving
Dealing with dazzle, judging distance and speed, using your lights
correctly - these are just some of the areas covered (more...)
Driving on dual carriageways
To drive safely on fast, multi-lane roads you'll need all your skills of observation, concentration, anticipation and lane discipline (more...)
Driving on Motorways
Motorways are like no other roads: learn how to drive on them safely and correctly under expert supervision (more...)